Lotton Glass: The Legacy
Identifying Antique Paperweights
Engaging and practical, this book is a must-read for graduate students in acoustics and vibration as well as active researchers interested in a novel approach to the material.
This book is the history of Clichy, focusing on its magnificent glass paperweights. The author has spent over thirty years, and driven over a million miles, researching and photographing weights for inclusion in this book.
Fauvism and Its Affinities
Dale Chihuly is arguably the best known glass artist in the world. Each title in the 'Chihuly Mini Book' series takes readers on a visual tour of Chihuly's work, exploring what makes each of his genres unique.
Contemporary Art Glass
Fascinating and practical, paperweights have been alluring domestic items and outstanding examples of craftmanship for centuries. To research a collection or a single piece, or simply to enjoy the ingenuity...
San Francisco's Heritage in Art Glass
Beauty Beyond Nature: The Glass Art of Paul Stankard