This book captures the essence of Charlotte Selver’s practice of Sensory Awareness like no other publication.
We will consider how these risks are emulated or reproduced when addressing all sensory needs so therefore will be critically reflecting upon loss and bereavement in relation to sensory need. We will also be exploring how the ethical ...
SENSE uses the analogy that if you think of deafness as the colour yellow and blindness as the colour blue, when you mix the two together you don't get yellowblue but a completely different colour – green (SENSE, 2006, p3).
This book will transform your view of your own inner experience, awaken you to experiential differences between people and thereby reframe your thinking about psychology and consciousness science, which banned the study of inner experience ...
The no.1 new release on in Special Needs Children's Health (June 2019), author and illustrator Kelley Donner's heartwarming picture book Ball! Ball! Ball! is about a boy with autism and his fascination with all things round.
This classic work on bodywork education builds on Feldenkrais' theories of Functional Integration to fine-tune the nervous system and improve coordination and range of movement.
Learn to delight in the sensory symphony that surrounds you. Practice the deliciously pleasurable and fun techniques in this book and heighten every moment of your life. Get Sensuous Living and make life good again.
Schmithausen 1991) I here use the term "consciousness" synonymously with "conscious cognition, awareness, sensation”. The single Indian term connotes "discriminating or distinct cognition or knowledge” consciousnesses senses support ...
Extra-sensory Perception
In a famous thought experiment, he successively endowed a statue with the senses of smell, hearing, taste and vision, denying that any of them would furnish any understanding of an outer world and so gain any corresponding awareness of ...