Loomans, creator of The Laughing Classroom programs, and Kolberg, founder of the Comedy Sportz improvisation theater company, describe how to build education on a foundation of silliness. They do not provide an index. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Laughing While Learning: Using Humor in the Classroom
120 activities to inject some lighthearted fun into lessons whilst still being grounded in respected language learning theory.
Practical and fun-to-read, this book includes 29 tips for tapping into the power of humor, as well as many examples of materials that encourage laughter and learning.
For example, a trucker was driving along on the freeway when he saw a sign that read, “low bridge ahead.” Before he knows it, the bridge is right ahead of him, and he gets stuck under the bridge. Cars are backed up for miles.
Utilizing the theory that students learn better when ideas are presented with humor, this book presents "149 2/3" group-tested tips on lightening up presentations by using props, puppets, cartoons, games, costumes, music, and magic.
Grade level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, k, p, e, i, s, t. This book shows you how to use humor in the classroom successfully and appropriately.
In Laughing and Learning, leadership consultant and university professor Peter M. Jonas explores the ways in which humor can enhance the learning environment.
They offer twelve powerful keys to raising a happy, responsible, and fulfilled child, including: Teach by example Allow room to grow and make mistakes Give acknowledgment and show appreciation Use positive discipline with respect Based on a ...
This wonderful volume will help teachers maintain patience, compassion, and, most important, a sense of humor, day in and day out, through rewarding moments and less rewarding ones, from homeroom until the dismissal bell.
Two African tribes in conflict are brought together by a melodious, laughing river. Incorporates accurate musical notes which create a song by story's end.