Sister(s), 74, 91 Sixth ray, 258; the gold of, 240; the Lord of, 30; of peace, 63; released on Thursday, 33n.l0; the ritual of, 178; a sphere of, 67n.l; the vial of misuses of, 238. See also Purple and gold; Ray(s); Seven rays Skeins: ...
Full of Barbara Bush's trademark wit and thoughtfulness, Pearls of Wisdom is a poignant reflection on life, love, family, and the world by one of America's most iconic -- and beloved -- public figures.
With each chapter as diverse as the cast of authors who have come together to create this unique book, there is certain to be an idea to help transform anyone’s life.
This short book features many of Gülen's ideas that have guided this extraordinary venture since its inception.
"Men take more pains to mask than to mend."--Benjamin Franklin. These and other sage words in a collection of the wisest sayings and most profound insights of our history.
Pearls of Wisdom: A Book of Aphorisms
Regardless of whether you are having issues with your identity, discovering mindfulness, or self-progression, this book was composed particularly for you as a demonstration of what is conceivable.
Often when you attend conferences you overhear people telling their colleagues about the most exciting workshops they have attended.
At one time I was the "Self-Sabotage Queen"; living recklessly, making stupid decisions, and being involved in counterproductive relationships.
Pearls of Wisdom
Pearls of Wisdom is a collection of short stories that illustrate key verses from the book of Proverbs, written by the wisest man that lived in the world, King Solomon.