The most widelyknown method is the Pearson product - moment correlation technique , named after its formulator , Karl Pearson , who was the " father " of all correlation methodology . As indicated earlier in the Basic Information ...
This straight-forward book makes it easier than ever to bring this innovative technique into your classroom with 100 ready-to-use projects in a range of topics, including: Science and STEM • Save the Bees! • Class Aquarium • Mars ...
In this thought-provoking book, Beghetto explains How to foster "possibility thinking" to help students open up their thinking in creative, sometimes counterintuitive ways.
Important features of this volume include discussions on: *how problems are represented by the problem solvers and how perception, attention, memory, and various forms of reasoning impact the management of information and the search for ...
New York: Pearson. Arter, J. A., & Jenkins, J. R. (1979). Differential diagnosis prescriptive teaching: A critical appraisal. Review of Educational Research, 49, 517–555. Ashlock, R. B. (2009). Error patterns in computation: Using error ...
New to This Edition *Incorporates key advances in evidence-based assessment, intervention, and multi-tiered systems of support. *Increased attention to supporting the growing numbers of culturally and linguistically diverse students in ...
"If you are a teacher looking for a proven way to help and inspire more students, a coach searching for more effective practices to support teachers, or a school leader working to create positive, systemwide change, then this book is for ...
This book represents initial discussions and development of a unified paradigm for studying teaching in mathematics that builds upon both cognitive as well as instructional research.
Both types of problem solving need to be taught. This book presents a series of activities that can be used with whole classes to provide a curriculum for the teaching of problem solving and the development of thinking skills.
In a straightforward, easily digestible format, this book unpacks the evidence for or against each myth, explains the issues concisely and with credible evidence, and provides busy K-12 teachers with actionable strategies for their ...
Providing a format for a conflict resolution children's group, this guide is invaluable for the group facilitator - the teacher or counsellor in a school or mental health residential treatment program.