Money for Graduate Research and Study in the Humanities, 1996-1998

Graduate students
R. David Weber, Gail A. Schlachter


Millions of dollars are available to support graduate study and research in architecture, art, dance, design, filmmaking, history, languages, literature, music, performing arts, philosophy, religion, sculpture, and the rest of the humanities. Until now, however, it has been difficult to find out about these opportunities. Information about them has been either scattered throughout a number of directories or, for many programs, not available at all. With the publication of Money for Graduate Students in the Humanities, this has all changed. Now, graduate students working on a master's or doctoral degree can easily find out about the nearly 1,000 fellowships, loans, grants, and awards available to support their work in the humanities. The programs described here range from $17,500 per year for study at a religious seminary, to $13,000 for graduate research on the history of art or architecture, to $30,000 to complete a dissertation in Judaic studies, to $33,500 for the study of Byzantine culture, to full tuition plus $13,250 for the first year of graduate work in any branch of the humanities. Full details are given for each program: contact information, purpose, eligibility, money awarded, duration, special features, limitations, number offered, and deadline date. Since the entries are grouped by both recipient (master's or doctoral students) and type of program (research or study), you'll be able to turn directly to the section that describes the type of funding you need. Plus, extensive indexing lets you access the programs by subject, residency, tenability, sponsor, title, and deadline. Money for Graduate Students in the Humanities is part of a new series issued by ReferenceService Press; the other titles cover graduate funding in the social sciences and the sciences. Each volume is sold separately.

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