Connecticut, a Bibliography of Its History
This authoritative catalogue of the Corcoran Gallery of Art's renowned collection of pre-1945 American paintings will greatly enhance scholarly and public understanding of one of the finest and most important collections of historic ...
This book recommends a sweeping redesign of the American health care system and provides overarching principles for specific direction for policymakers, health care leaders, clinicians, regulators, purchasers, and others.
The result, Sundays in America, is an essential guide for those seeking a new house for their worship as well as a colorful road trip for the armchair explorer.
A vibrant portrait of a celebrated urban enclave at the turn of the twentieth century.
In Permanent Present Tense Suzanne Corkin tells the incredible story of the amnesiac Henry Gustave Molaison - known only as H.M. until his death in 2008 - and what he taught medical science, neuroscience and the world.
On October 25, 1790, “a marble statue, representing Juno, by Verhulst Anno 1680, high 6 feet 2 inches” was sold from the estate of the late Mr. Abraham Jeronimo Lopes Suasso at The Hague. (Information kindly supplied by Reinier Baarsen, ...
Allegories of Modernism: Contemporary Drawing
An engaging tribute to America's grand era of private estate gardens and their illustrious owners, this book sweeps across the country to present over 500 of the nation's most exquisite...
Iris Murdoch's debut—a comic novel about work and love, wealth and fame Jake Donaghue, garrulous artist, meets Hugo Bellfounder, silent philosopher.