At the Confluence of Royal and Scribal Traditions Pamela Barmash ... Lipit- Ishtar, you are Enlil's son. ... See also Donald E. McCown and Richard C. Haines, Nippur I: Temple of Enlil, Scribal Quarter, and Soundings (Oriental Institute ...
'Houses and Households in North Syria'. In Castel et al. (eds.). ... Nippur, I. Temple of Enlil, Scribal Quarter, and Sounding (OIP 78). Chicago. ... Nippur. II. The North Temple and Sounding E (OIP 97). Chicago. McGuire, R. 1983.
This is the first book to reveal how life was lived in ten Mesopotamian cities: from Eridu, the Mesopotamian Eden, to that potent symbol of decadence, Babylon - the first true metropolis: multicultural, multi-ethnic, the last centre of a ...
In Iron Age Pottery in Northern Mesopotamia, Northern Syria and SouthEastern Anatolia: Papers Presented at the Meetings ... assisted by Elizabeth F. Carter 1978 Nippur, Volume 2: The North Temple and Sounding E: Excavations of the Joint ...
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1992. Gibson, McGuire et al. Excavations at Nippur: Twelfth Season. OIC 23. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1978. Gibson ...
The Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible gathers nearly 5,000 alphabetically ordered articles that thoroughly yet clearly explain all the books, persons, places, and significant terms found in the Bible.
Mesopotamian. religion. This is the first of two chapters which explore the use of light in temple architecture. ... be considered in terms of theories of religious architecture, and in terms of its role within Mesopotamian theology.
Nippur I: Temple of Enlil, Scribal Quarter, and Soundings. Oriental Institute Publications 78. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Robson, E. 2001. 'The Tablet House: A Scribal School in Old Babylonian Nippur'.
Mawer, Simon, The Glass Room (London: Abacus, 2010). McCown, Donald and Richard Haines, Nippur I, Temple of Enlil, Scribal Quarter, and Soundings (Oriental Institute Publications 78; Chicago: University of Chicago, 1967).