Hunter's Lessee In 1816 the case of Martin v . Hunter's Lessee came before the Supreme Court . This legal conflict involved the ownership of land in Virginia . Hunter claimed that the land in question had been given to him by the state ...
Explains each of the twenty-six amendments to the Constitution.
Focuses on freedom of speech in American intellectual life. Covers debates on verbal expression and hate-speech bans.
Valeo , 1:57 ; 2 : 134-135 ; 3 : 32-33 , 61 Bullock v . Carter , 3:31 ; 4:48 Burger , Warren , 1:43 on abortion , 4:55 on free speech in schools , 3:26 on obscenity , 3:50 on Watergate scandal , 1 : 130 Burke , Edmund , 1:41 Burr ...
The position a person takes in this de- ! bate will determine how one approaches interpreting the Tenth Amend- | ment . Suppose one decides that the Tenth Amendment simply confines Congress to its delegated powers .
Highlights: - Explains how the controversy over the jurisprudence of original intent can obscure vital processes of constitutional change- An indispensable companion to any modern debate about amending the Constitution and to any modern ...
In 1998, the federal government invited the Supreme Court to give an opinion on questions concerning the possible secession of Quebec from Canada.
Discusses the definition and history of the First Amendment and considers present day problems regarding the rights it guarantees.
Vile surveys more than two centuries of scholarship on Article V and concludes that the weight of the evidence indicates that states and Congress have the legal right to limit the scope of such conventions to a single subject and that ...
Legislative and Judicial History of the Fifteenth Amendment