Collects no. 114-136 of "Cerebus" comics, in which Cerebus, an amoral, anthropomorphic aardvark, meets up once again with his former love Jaka, a dancer in her landlord's tavern, and sets the stage for disaster when he becomes the houseguest of her and her husband, Rick.
In Concept of a Function : Aspects of Epistemology and Pedagogy , edited by Ed Dubinsky and Guershon Harel , pp . 175-93 . Washington , D.C .: Mathematical Association of America , 1992 . National Council for the Social Studies ( NCSS ) ...
John A. Van de Walle has written a book that helps readers make sense of mathematics and become confident in their ability to teach mathematics to children K to 8....
“It is fun to figure out the puzzle of how children go about making sense of mathematics and then how to help teachers help kids.” John A. Van...
Under NCLB, students with severe disabilities are expected to make progress on state academic content standards in language arts, math, and science. But what material should educators teach from these...
This leading K-8 math methods book has the most coverage of the NCTM standards, the strongest coverage of middle school mathematics, and the highest student approval of any math methods...
In our efforts to reform mathematics education, we've learned a tremendous amount about young students' strategies and the ways they construct knowledge, without fully understanding how to support such development...
"Adopted by the California State Board of Education, March 2005"--Cover.
Math and Science for Young Children, 5E is a unique text that focuses on the integration of math and science with the other important areas of child development during the...
In math, like any subject, real learning takes place when students can connect what they already know to new ideas. In "Connecting Mathematical Idea"s, Jo Boaler and Cathy Humphreys offer...
The chapters in this book, all research articles from NCTM's Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, have been recast specifically to reach the teacher audience and provide commentary that highlights...