This book is a stirring must-read for anyone concerned with women's rights, as well as those who want to be better informed about this critical public health issue.
8 The Two Faces of Larry Porter Larry Porter * and I went way back - to medical school , in fact . I was a few years older than my classmates , and Larry seemed more mature than the rest of the crowd . Although he was several years my ...
Colditz , Graham A. , Kathleen M. Egan , and Meir J. Stampher , “ Hormone Replacement Therapy and Risk of Breast Cancer ... Pearson , Cynthia , “ FDA Waffles on Premarin Decision , ” The Network News , Volume 15 , July / August 1990 .
Lament for a "patriarchy Lost?": Anti-feminism, Anti-abortion and R.E.A.L. Women in Canada
The History of Abortion in the United States: A Working Bibliography of Journal Articles
The History of Birth Control in the United States: A Working Bibliography of Journal Articles
What biology tells us about human reproduction and embryology and the beginning of a human life.
The Impact of Post-Abortion Care Family Planning Counselling and Services in Low-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of the Evidence
But there's no going back to yesterday. Our hope lies in the New American Family--the family in all its various forms who are committed to God and to fighting the destructive forces so rampant in our nation.