We all know that there have been women in British Columbia since the early days, and they were not just ironing shirts and baking bread. They organized unions, won elections, started schools and hospitals and became judges, scientists, artists and doctors. BC has benefited from a long tradition of energetic women who have had an impact on the province as we know it. The twenty women profiled in this book didn't all succeed in everything they attempted, but they were flexible, saw what needed to be done and just did it.
Mainstays of Maine
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
Support that will carry your relationship through life's crises. In this book six Mainstays of a Cheerful Marriage you will discover fundamentals that help marriage stands the test of time. Scroll up and click on the buy button.
Mainstay: For the Well Spouse of the Chronically Ill
Presents the stories of twenty American foods that have become endangered due to modern agricultural practices, including Iriquois white corn, white abalone, moon and stars watermelon, Seminole pumpkin, and more....
Quick-to-fix Mainstays
Meatless Mainstays for Modern Man contains 100+ pages of sensational vegan recipes.
Mainstays: Poems from Hollywood
With beautiful new drawings by Arline Thomson, this book is certain to please anyone with even the slightest interest in Maine & its unique cuisine.
For 25 years innkeeper Sue Carroll has been delighting her guests with her delicious breakfast dishes and the sweets and savories that accompany afternoon tea.