The Moon Also Has Her Own Light: The Struggle to Build a Women's Consciousness Among Nicaraguan Farmworkers

The Moon Also Has Her Own Light: The Struggle to Build a Women's Consciousness Among Nicaraguan Farmworkers
Women's Program of the ICAE


This booklet is a collection of analyses and reflections by women who have worked with the Women's Secretariat of the Nicaraguan Association of Rural Workers (ATC) at the different stages of conception and implementation. "Ending the Myth of the Weaker Sex" (Ana Criquillon) provides the history of the women's program within the ATC. It identifies the need to incorporate women into agricultural jobs. Next, the article describes the three-stage project undertaken in 1983: a preliminary diagnosis that showed division of labor according to gender as the main obstacle confronting women; training of promoters through the organization of grassroots women's workshops; and a phase of action research. The article discusses the union's adoption of the resolutions that set forth women's demands and incorporation of the demands in collective agreements. "Linking Production and Reproduction: Popular Education in Action," based on an interview with Clara Murguialday, describes the publication, "Vamos," developed for use in workshops on work norms or standards. These sections of "Vamos" are highlighted: understanding work norms; defining problems; and searching for solutions. Photographs and text from the publication are provided. "Reflecting on the Process," based on an interview with Heliette Ehlers, addresses challenges facing the women's movement, lessons learned on how to organize women, and success in changing men's consciousness. (YLB)