In this book, Catherine walks with us through some of the doubts that trouble us most today. Doubts assailed her inner life at every turn. Out of these experiences came this book - which she fervently hoped would offer consolation to those who have reached the furnace of doubts in their walks of faith.
Storms come to everyone and may generate Doubts.
Since the 1960s, a number of artists have challenged the image of the lonely artist by embarking on long term collaborations that dramatically altered the terms of artistic identity. In...
In The Value of Doubt, veteran journalist Bill Tammeus draws deeply on his own Protestant experience of doubt and faith and, in a series of reflections, contends that the road to a rich, dynamic, healthy faith inevitably must run through ...
Join Emily and Laura as they walk through the redemptive story and reveal how the gospel applies to your everyday life, bringing hope, freedom, and joy in every area of motherhood.
Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2000. —. Holman Old Testament Commentary: Daniel. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2001. Garrett, Duane A. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, The New American Commentary, vol. 14.
Doubt, faith, certainty. In this book celebrated theologian Anthony Thiselton provides clarity on these complicated, long-misunderstood theological concepts and the practical pastoral problems they raise for Christians.
But as this eye-opening book demonstrates, doubts can also deepen your dependence on God, develop your sense of empathy for others, and motivate you to find satisfying answers to life's biggest questions.
Even the devout poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, one of Miller's subjects, suffered acutely from that anxiety.“ The Wreck of the Deutschland (1875—76), voicing his complex theodicy, is an elegy Hopkins composed after seventy-eight people ...
... furnace of doubt.”5 Similarly, John Calvin wrote that certainty comes mixed with doubt within the believer's mind.6 ... doubts.”10 Though there is some validity in the statement, it employs a false dichotomy. In Russell's presentation ...