Nation's Business
Just SEBELI could hardly be easier to use Just a few of the 215 forms in LEGAL Letter Works Will Living will Record of personal and business information Bill of sale for a car Option to purchase real estate Lease for apartment or house ...
Contains 400 form business letters. Book shows each letter along with helpful hints on how to use and customize each letter. Topics include sales and marketing, advertising and public relations,...
Here's the personal touch. A sincere individual letterworks better than a form letter. Introduce yourself and youract. Be concise, and make it professional (grammatically correctand typed on good bond paper with letterhead).
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28C Occasionally quotation marks serve to enclose a word used in a special sense . I had to take the job . I needed the “ bread . ” NOTE : Do not use quotation marks in an attempt to create an ironic tone , change the meaning of a word ...