Using picture books as models is a powerful way to teach key expository and narrative target skills. Step-by-step directions and charts, with quality children's literature used as models, help you set up and manage effective 45-minute long writing workshops." Also includes extensive lists of other children's literature with their recommended Target Skill application. Teach brainstorming, focus, organization, elaboration, and writing conventions using literature as models. Primary and intermediate-level lessons for each of 20 models allow you to customize your writing workshops to the needs and abilities of your K-5 students.
Mr Crackenthorpe was a surly old fellow, but he might have been forgiven for his suspicions.
Ben shu shou lu le wo men de gong hu dui xie ri ji wai gong shu shu wo men quan shi ma qing ke chi fan er duo long le shuo xiang sheng yao diao niu wei ba wei sheng tou ding de ma ma xie jian cha deng er tong gu shi zuo pin.
Persistent young Edward has many questions for his sleepy mother, many of which are answered, "Because it's night time."
"Seasons are different in other parts of the world.Comprehension Strategies: Making connections to text, comparing and contrasting, predicting.Dictionary Words: beach, park, rain, snow, warm clothesVocabulary Words: gloves, jacket, jeans, ...
AfterSchool Kidzlit is a program of reading and connected activities for grades K to 8, with appealing books and easy-to-use leader's guides for: games; talk topics; role-play; cool words; art, music, and drama; hands-on projects; reading ...
The Fog Horn blew . And the monster answered . A cry came across a million years of water and mist . A cry so anguished and alone that it shuddered in my head and my body . The monster cried out at the tower . The Fog Horn blew .
Celebrate Reading!
When a restaurant tantrum brought on by--"yuck"--spinach results in D.W.'s grounding, she doesn't really mind until she realizes she's missing some fun. "Brown knows what appeals to children, and he serves up a generous portion.
Rigby Literacy Take-Home Library Fluent: The Dream Team
Rigby Literacy Science Fluent: Teacher's Resource Book