n.d. Vose Desc Vose , Ellen F. Robert Vose and His Descendants . Boston , 1932 . VR ( see listing below ) > Wadsworth Fam Hist Wadsworth , Horace Andrew . 250 Years of the Wadsworth Family in America .
Tracy Gen Tracy , Evert E. , Tracy Genealogy : Ancestors and Descendants of Lieutenant Thomas Tracy of Norwich ... Wadsworth Fam Wadsworth , Horace A. , 250 Years of the Wadsworth Family in America ( Lawrence , Mass . , 1883 ) .
The tracing of the descendants of the Mayflower passengers.
Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who Landed at Plymouth, Mass., December 1620. Family of John Alden...
Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who Landed at Plymouth, Mass. December 1620. Volume 11 parts 1...
Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Stephen Hopkins Family
... 151 , 152 Bennett , 149 Betsey ( Allen ) , 149 Caleb , 151 Catherine ( Coggshall ) , 148 Charles , 152 Cynthia , 153 Daniel , 148 Desire , 151 Elihu , 152 Eliza ( Brownell ) , 152 Elizabeth , 40 , 150 , 151 , 153 Elizabeth ( Bennett ) ...
The tracing of the descendants of the Mayflower passengers.
The tracing of the descendants of the Mayflower passengers.
4 June 1750 ; dau . of John and Susannah ( Nichols ) Lincoln . The 4 June 1750 division of the estate of John Lincoln mentions children of Susannah Baker , dec . He m . ( 2 ) ca. 1750 SARAH NICHOLS , b . Hingham 22 Feb. 1715 ; bef .