Karen Brown's Austria Charming Inns and Itineraries, 1996
Karen Brown's Germany Charming Inns and Itineraries, 1996
Karen Brown's England, Wales and Scotland Charming Hotels and Itineraries 1996
Series . Teh Fu , 1927- Environmental chemistry ; Wiley's English - Spanish , Spanish - English Emsley . Oxford ; New York : Oxford A. ) Includes bibliographical references and chemistry dictionary University Press , 1998. xiii , 250 p ...
Over 400 recipes, menus, red wine list, brand names and more ... for weight loss, energy, diabetes and cholesterol control and an easy, healthful lifestyle.
Editors : Clare Brown , June Brown , Karen Brown , Iris Sandilands Technical support : William H. Brown III ; Aide - de - camp : William H. Brown Illustrations : Barbara Tapp ; Cover painting : Jann Pollard ; Cover design : Tara Brassil ...
Take in the natural beauty of the golden state. Included are directions to California's best small inns and hotels.
Hopewell , New Jersey : The Ecco Press , 1996 . Brenan , Gerald . ... Brown , Clare , Ralph Kite and Cynthia Sauvage . Karen Brown's Spain : Charming Inns & Itineraries . San Mateo , California : Travel Press , 1997 . Brown , Deni .
Your genial hosts , Erich and Gerhild Kunz , will probably be there to welcome you . Although their English is limited , warm smiles and exuberant gestures overcome any language barrier . Several lovely bedrooms are found in the inn ...
Visit the diverse countryside of Spain, or stay in one of the government-sponsored paradors that offer fairytale surroundings at reasonable rates.