so elected did more honour to the college than the reverse . But under the presidency of Sir Henry Halford early in the nineteenth century , this policy was very firmly revised . Sir Henry is reputed to have told the Home Secretary ...
The Evolution of Hospitals in Britain (London: Pitman Medical Publishing Company Ltd., 1964), pp. 77–101 Gunn, Alistair L., 'The inevitable William and the accidental John', Transactions of the Hunterian Society (1968), pp.
The insatiably curious Randi Hutter Epstein journeys through history, fads, and fables, and to the fringe of science. Here is an entertaining must-read—an enlightening celebration of human life.
... Secret Instrument ( The Birth of the Midwifery Forceps ) ( London : Heinemann , 1947 ) . See also Adrian Wilson's analysis of forceps in Adrian Wilson , The Making of Man - midwifery , 1660-1770 ( Cambridge , MA : Harvard University ...
Murray , R. Milne . 1890–1891 . The Axis - Traction Forceps ; Their Mechanical Principles , Construction , and Scope . ... London : Callow and Wilson . 1830. Lehrbuch der Geburtshülfe . Heidelberg : J. C. B. Mohr .
Taken together, these essays offer a wealth of insight into the medical treatment of women and will appeal to scholars in gender studies, literature, and the history of medicine.
Wilkes J. Encyclopaedia londensis: or universal dictionary or arts, science and literature. London: J. Adlard; 1823. p. 69. von Gyory T. Semmelweis Gesammelte Werkes Herausgegeben und zum Theil aus dem Ungarischen Übersetzt.
... 125 *Griffin, Mary, of Deal, Kent 32 Griffith, Moses MD 137, 138, 140, 144n.35, 146, 150, 157n.32 Groeneveldt, Johannes (“John Greenfield”) MD 61n.37, 75n.10 Guillemeau, Jacques 6 *H—s, Mrs, of Lambeth-Marsh 101n.11 Hacon, Charles, ...
... Milestones in Midwifery and the Secret Instrument : The Birth of Midwifery Forceps . San Francisco : Norman Publishing , 1989 . Rosenberg , Charles E , and Carroll Smith - Rosenberg , eds . The Male Midwife and the Female Doctor : The ...
Observations sur la grossesse et l'accouchement desfemmes, et sur leurs maladies & celles des enfans nouveau-nez. En chacune desquelles les causes & les raisons des ... Paris: L'Auteur, 1695. ———. ... Haller, Albrecht von, ed.
7. Chapman CR, Nakamura Y. A passion of the soul: an introduction to pain for consciousness researchers. Conscious Cogn 1999; 8:391–422. 8. Eisenach JC. The pain of childbirth and its effect in the mother and foetus. In Chestnut D (ed).