A comprehensive overview of bouldering guides readers through the best rock climbing sites in the U.S. while providing a history of the sport and its most famous participants.
The Holy Sepulchre Chapel in Winchester Cathedral. Under a massive figure of Christ are representations of his deposition and entombment. The walls were probably painted at the time of Bishop Peter des Roches's crusade of 1227, ...
Riga was elevated to an archbishopric in the middle of the thirteenth century, and its church province consisted of Prussia and Livonia, with the sole exception of the diocese of Tallinn, which belonged to the metropolis of Lund.4 As ...
Don't let the angle of shadow fool you— Robbins' Crack, Mount Woodson, California, is 11⁄4 to 11⁄2 inches wide for its full length. Climbers with small hands eat this stuff up, but those with average to big hands find it squarely in the ...
Abbreviations Articles and Studies Co-operation between Constantinople and Rome before the First Crusade: a Study of ... Colophon of 1181 Michael E. Stone Crusader Inscriptions from Southern Lebanon Denys Pringle Pilgrimage, Crusade, ...
Lacking other resources, in 1199 Innocent threatened one of these pop-up princes, Markward of Anweiler, with a crusade, but solved the crisis diplomatically in 1204. In Markward's case, the threat of a crusade was a papal last resort.
The stone castles of Latvia and Estonia 1185–1560 Stephen Turnbull. incorporated into the wooden parts of the stone crusader castles. The site is the remarkable lake fortress of Araisu, where archaeological investigations have shed ...
Crusading ancestors were also cited by the heroes of novels. G. A. Lawrence's Guy Livingstone not only has the face of 'one of those stone crusaders, who look up at us from their couches in the Round Church of the Temple', ...
... et recepit a dicto senescallo quadraginta'**' libras turonenses, et inde se habuit pro contento, renuncians exceptioni peccuniae non numeratae, et de dictis fructibus pro dicta peccunia dominum Regem, et suos, et firmarios/24 1 v.
Together these volumes examine the reasons behind the enduring resonance of the crusades and present the memory of crusading in the modern period as a productive, exciting, and much needed area of investigation.
On the very first day he had found his way to the vast stone platform that dominated the city. As he'd walked up the stone steps, he'd felt a strange expansion in his chest, as if his very heart was swelling.