The thesis of this book has been enthusiastically received with its working model of the 9/11 plot: a covert network of moles, patsies, and a commando cell in the privatised intelligence services, backed by corrupt political and corporate media elites. Buttressed by historical examples like the Baader-Meinhof Gang and the Gunpowder Plot, this model makes it clear how such a monstrous false-flag or self-terror exploit is possible even under a largely benign government. That paradox is the incredibility gap that has made most Americans reject the evidence about 9/11 as paranoid fantasy. Tarpley brings decades of expertise to the 9/11 issue. In 1978 he exposed the terrorist Red Brigades as patsies of Italy's fascist P2 shadow government, and 9/11 is on the same pattern. The forthright subtitle, Made in USA, is backed up by an analysis of key figures who behave like moles working for the insidious network. 9/11 Synthetic Terror highlights the salient points of sheer physical impossibility of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory. It makes clear that figures like Osama bin Laden are patsies, dupes or double agents, selected for their ethnic colouring as the basis for launching a "Clash of Civilisations", and how absurd it is to imagine that such tools of US intelligence agencies could turn around and infiltrate or overwhelm US defences unaided. Tarpley shows that the wars on the Islamic world, the Soviet-Afghan, Kosovo and Chechen conflicts, as well as US-UK-NATO synthetic terror incidents like 9/11, Beslan or 3/11 in Madrid, have been contrived to continue the Cold War, in pursuit of the centuries-long campaign for Anglo hegemony over Eurasia and the world. The preface to the second edition explains the significance and superiority of "MIHOP" vs "LIHOP", and the many drills on 9/11 and on 7/7, which were cover and conduit for those false-flag operations. The third edition preface makes clear that 9/11 is the only issue that can stop a new world war and the descent into a police state. It shows up the cowardice of the "left gatekeepers" on this score. The analysis of Moussaoui on trial as a classic weak-minded patsy -- part double agent, part fanatic -- again shows the unique power of Tarpley's mole-patsy model to debunk the lies put out by the war party. For a principled refutation of the 9/11 propaganda myth in all its parts, Tarpley's bombshell, brilliant book - I strongly recommend 911 Synthetic Terror. Should be required reading for all honest truth seekers, s work is indispensable.
In Washington George Tenet , the Director of the CIA , was breakfasting at the St Regis hotel with an old friend , ex - Senator David Boren . The ' chatter ' in the intelligence system over the summer , the sense that something big was ...
ZERO: почему офиц. версию событий 11 сент. 2001 г. можно считать фальшивкой : [сборник : перевод
"Who was responsible for the crimes of 9/11? What should have happened that did not, and what did happen that should not have? Who benefited? This book examines those questions in light of more than a decade of detailed study.
Al-Qaida: Wurzeln, Geschichte, Organisation
El Kaide terörün gölgesi
L'auteur étudie les nouvelles menaces qui pèsent sur le monde. Il analyse Al-Qaida et affirme son inexistence, sans nier pour autant le danger de l'islamisme radical.
Eric Allen , firefighter , Squad 18. Joseph Ryan Allen . Richard Dennis Allen , firefighter , Ladder 15 . September 10. A cloud of ambient anxiety had shadowed her for days . She kept trying to push it away but always it returned : an ...
The first book in the Time Tunnel series, “Time Tunnel: The Twin Towers,” re-imagines 9/11 as a critical inflection point in time, the outcome of which the government determines must be altered in order to reverse the course of the ...
Pasquale was in the middle of evacuating and reached the stairwell on the 22nd floor when the North Tower collapsed. He remembers thinking "this is how Im going to die" as he fell with the building.