This volume contains fifty-two essays composed in honor of David Noel Freedman and organized around the topics: Hebrew Poetry and Prophecy, The Prose of the Hebrew Bible, History and Institutions of Israel, Northwest Semitic Epigraphy, and Other Perspectives. A bibliography of the honoree is included.
Book of Mormon Student Manual: Religion 121-122
The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions.
A Return to Virtue
IT seems fitting that this little book of personal testimonies to answered prayer should have a brief introductory word as to how they came to be written. The question...
God's Word says not to add or take away from this book. God has things to say in this book, it is up to you, to Hear its teaching and come out of wrong teachings, as man has watered down the truth, of Gods written Words teachings.
Readers will gain insight into the Word of God. This book is comprised with chapters and verses chosen to guide and lead you in everyday life. This work from the Holy Spirit and the Author will keep you in remembrance of God's Word.
We need to understand that we are a part of the New Age Kingdom of God's expression in the earth. This book is a step in providing that understanding.
This book, a volume in the Old Testament Library series, explores chapters 40-66 of the book of Isaiah.
Offering affordable quality, these handsome award Bibles will withstand heavy use thanks to better quality paper and supple but sturdy cover material.
The Bible says God does not lie, actually it says its impossible for God to lie.