This book introduces the student to the textual study of the Hebrew Bible--to help such a student "perceive the work of the numberless and nameless scribes torn between tradition and fashion in their restrained attempts to update the orthography of Scripture." Sixteen essays serve as the bridge from older methods for the study of orthography to newer ones, using the computer to analyze large bodies of text.
This volume is dedicated to professor Jacob Hoftijzer on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday as well as of his retirement from the chair of "Hebrew Language and Literature, the Israelite Antiquities and Ugaritic" at the University of ...
"These articles on Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek lexicography have arisen from papers presented at the International Syriac Language Project's 14th International Conference in St. Petersburg in 2014"--
Diachrony in Biblical Hebrew is an indispensable publication for biblical scholars, whose interpretations of scriptures must engage the dates when texts were first composed and recorded, and for scholars of language, who will want to read ...
A unique study of the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls In Qumran Hebrew, Reymond examines the orthography, phonology, and morphology of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Naveh-Shaked, AMB–J. Naveh and S. Shaked, Amulets and Magic Bowls, Aramaic Incantations of Late Antiquity ... Rosenberg, Das aramäische Verbum—J. Rosenberg, Das aramäische Verbum im babylonischen Talmud (Marburg; Oscar Ehrardt, 1888).
This book is an outgrowth of the Dahood Memorial Lectures delivered at the University of Michingan 1983. It attempts four things... it speculates on the significate of this evedence for studies in the production and trasmission of the text.
This volume constitutes the first reference grammar of the Hasidic Hebrew hagiographic tales composed in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Eastern Europe.
This volume brings together papers relating to the pronunciation of Semitic languages and the representation of their pronunciation in written form.
This volume is dedicated to professor Jacob Hoftijzer on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday as well as of his retirement from the chair of "Hebrew Language and Literature, the...
Hebrew Texts and Language of the Second Temple Period presents discussions on textual and linguistic aspects of the Dead Sea Scrolls and of Second Temple Hebrew corpora.