The book details the conduct of U.S. politicians and other government employees during the past 50 years, including the invasion of Iraq, which justified the books title.
A real-life mixture of Liar's Poker and Wall Street, brimming with intense action, romance, underground sex, vivid locales, and exotic characters, Ugly Americans is the untold true story that rocked the financial community.
5 Confidential and Personal From : Ambassador Louis Sears ( Sarkhan ) To : Mr. Dexter S. Peterson , Sarkhan Desk , State Department , Washington , D. C Dear Dex , I'm writing this to you personally ( even typing it myself ) because I ...
Welcome to America -- pull up a chair, click on the tube, and grab a donut. Concerned Citizen Peter Strupp is shocked and bothered by what he sees. It seems we're not as thin, smart, and good-looking as we like to think.
Here Henríquez seamlessly interweaves the story of these star-crossed lovers, and of the Rivera and Toro families, with the testimonials of men and women who have come to the United States from all over Latin America.
The roots of America's image problem in the Middle East
The Ugly Pumpkin has waited all through October for someone to take him home, but no one wants him. He doesn't look like other pumpkins. So the lonely Ugly Pumpkin leaves the patch in search of a place where he'll fit in.
Ugly Americans Spec Sales
Recounts the story of how a notorious gang of MIT blackjack savants devised and received backing for a system for winning at the world's most sophisticated casinos, an endeavor that earned them more than three million dollars.
33. Turner , Significance of the Frontier , p . 27 . 34. Quoted from De Gaulle's memoirs in Marianna P. Sullivan , France's Vietnam Policy : A Study in French - American Relations ( Westport , Conn .: Greenwood , 1978 ) , p . 88.
Scott Anderson’s The Quiet Americans is the story of these four men. It is also the story of how the United States, at the very pinnacle of its power, managed to permanently damage its moral standing in the world.