Why Can't Sharon Kowalski Come Home?

Why Can't Sharon Kowalski Come Home?
Social Science
Spinsters Ink
Karen Thompson, Julie Andrzejewski


"Five years ago Sharon Kowalski was brain-damaged in an automobile accident. A court battle ensued between her family and her lover, Karen Thompson, whose attempt to file for guardianship and subsequent appeals were thwarted despite conclusive evidence as to the nature of the women's relationship. The book demonstrates that the courts ignored affidavits by therapists who witnessed Thompson's determination in rehabilitating Kowalski, yet allowed into evidence one doctor's out-of-court deposition asserting that the patient would be exposed 'to a high risk of sexual abuse' if Thompson were allowed to visit. Chronicling Thompson's uphill struggle against the sexism and homophobia that permeate this country's institutions, this controversial work reveals one woman's personal journey from closeted lesbian to feminist activist while reconciling her Christian beliefs with her own sexuality. This is an important book told with candor and warmth, with major implications into the legal rights of disabled persons and lesbians and gay men. Included here are forms and instructions to create a durable power of attorney. The coauthors are professors at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota."--PUBLISHERS WEEKLY.

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