Tofu & Soymilk Production: A Craft and Technical Manual
How to start your own tofu shop or soy dairy on any of seven scales, from a community or village shop to a modern factory. This book has been used to start over 700 shops in the Western world. Over 430 informative illustrations; 336 pages.
The Book of Tofu: Tofu & soymilk production
The Book of Tofu: Protein Source of the Future ... Now
Historical, nutritional, and culinary information about East Asia's most important soybean food accompanies over five hundred recipes for dishes using its seven varieties
Best food writing 2010. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Da Capo; London: Perseus Running (Distributor). xii + 352 p. Recipe index. 21 cm. • Summary: One story (p. 76-80) is titled “Kyoto's tofu tofu at Mt. Koya, and a lot of these people were ...
History of Yuba - The Film That Forms Atop Heated Soymilk (1587-2012)
“Nester, R. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR 72204. “Newsom, L.D. L.S.U., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803. “Nickell, C.D. Agronomy Dept., Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66502.
Product Name: Mrs. Cheng's Tofu. Manufacturer's Name: Cheng's (Mrs.) Soybean Products Inc. Manufacturer's Address: 1829 E. Palolo Ave., Honolulu, Oahu, HI 96816. Date of Introduction: 1978. December. New Product—Documentation: Shurtleff ...
In: F.T. Corbin, ed. 1980. World Soybean Research Conference II: Proceedings. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. ... Compatibility of R. japonicum with pesticides. Rhizobia compatibility with systemic insecticides. Summary and outlook.