How different from St. Francis of Assisi or Billy Sunday, and yet how religious! There is a primary emphasis among us on truth-seeking. No one expects us to come forth with the truth humanity needs, but we often do find sustaining ...
Charles, who had built a career in politics, had many useful connections and was campaigning hard in the same race to elect Nathan L. Miller to the post of governor.3 Election night brought victory: Miller won the governorship, ...
His books, The Wind in Both Ears and The New Era in Religious Education, served as foundational texts for Unitarian Universalists in the second half of the twentieth century. Further Reading: Roberta M. Nelson, ed., Claiming the Past, ...
Then the LORD said to Samuel, “See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make both ears of anyone who hears of it tingle”' (vv. 10-11). In this story we witness the young Samuel learning to discern the voice of the Lord ...
Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Auditory acuity may be reduced in one or both the ears . The tinnitus sounds like the roaring of wind . Concomitant symptoms typically include nasal congestion , profuse nasal mucous , headache , fever , a red tongue with thin fur ...
On the concha of the left ear posteriorly , a cramp - like burning aching pain ( aft . 8 h . ) . ( Htn . ) 139 162. ... Sometimes a slight crack in both ears as if the wind suddenly rushed in — without diminution of the hearing .