Directory of scientists and technologists who are the leaders in the most important areas of modern science and technology in the United States. Each entry gives education, publications, achievements, area of expertise, honors, patents, and personal information.
American Men & Women of Science: A Biographical Directory of Today's Leaders in Physical, Biological, and Related Sciences
The Collected Correspondence of Baron Franz Xaver Von Zach: Letters from Zach to German Dukes, 1786-1805 and Letters from Zach...
The Collected Correspondence of Baron Franz Xaver Von Zach: Letters from Zach to Schiferli, 1821-1832. Volume 7a
Autobiography of an eminent statesman and scientist of United States.
Famous Australian scientists - William Bragg - Macfarlane Burnet - Graeme Clark - Ian Clunies Ross - John Eccles - William Farrer - Howard Florey - Norman Gregg - Lawrence Hargrave - Fred Hollows - Elizabeth Kenny - William McBride - Gus ...
本书通过对钱学森,童第周,林巧稚,苏步青等一系列中国当代科学家的人物生平,人物年表,科学成就,社会贡献,家庭生活,人物轶事等各个方面真实情况的描述,多角度还原这些先进人物 ...
Ten Outstanding Filipino Scientists: Queena N. Lee-Chua, Ph. D.