Describes the experiences of American authors, musicians, artists, politicians, and celebrities in the neighborhoods and historic buildings of Paris
In this best-selling text BY social workers and FOR social workers, Charles Zastrow and Karen K. Kirst-Ashman, nationally prominent social work educators and authors, guide studetns in assessing and evaluating how individuals function ...
War and State Making: The Shaping of the Global Powers
Charrière , H. 1969. Papillon . Robert Lafont . ... 6 NOT OUR KIND OF GIRL ELAINE BELL KAPLAN Social research is concerned with the definition and assessment of social phenomena . Many social concepts such as teen pregnancy are ...
A very early example of this is the US single play ' The Hospital where a disturbed porter disrupts the power supply to the hospital . It was a CBS / Studio One production broadcast Doctor : Television , Storytelling and Medical Power ( ...
◆1991 年美國政治科學學會 Victoria Schuck 獎 ◆20 世紀最重要的女性主義政治哲學家,《像女孩那樣丟球》作者 Iris Young 代表作 ◆90 年代至今社會運動思想源頭,開創正義理論全新典範 ...
★當代最重要的政治人類學家詹姆斯.斯科特全新著作。 ★顛覆過往對國家與文明成形基本假設,提出今日國家建立的各種想像。 ...
陇者甘肃,历史悠久,文化醇厚。陇上学人,或生于斯长于斯的本地学者,或外来而其学术成就多产于甘肃者。学人是学术活动的主体,就《陇上学人文存》(以下简称《文存》)的 ...
Booth, John. 1985. The End and the Beginning: The Nicaraguan Revolution. Boulder: Westview. Booth, John, and Thomas W. Walker. 1989. Understanding Central America. Boulder: Westview Borge, Tomás. 1984. Carlos, the Dawn Ls No Longer ...
Growing global linkages and complexity are redressing the paradox aptly characterized by sociologist Daniel Bell in the last century , “ government is too big for the small problems of our society and too small for the big ones .
... George W. 318 Neal , Lonnie G. 126 , 312 Nickerson , William J. 11 Nokes , Clarence 121 Page , Lionel F. 356 ... Wanda Anne A. 150 Small , Isadore , III 135 Smart , Brinay 106 Smith , Jonathan S. , II 312 Smith , Morris Leslie 312 ...