887 Manning St 22 . 3411 SE 16th St 23 . 536 Meadowdale Dr 24 . 766 E Pleasantview Ln 322 Main Street 26 . Camille UT 27 Cedar Grove IA 53037 28 . 576 N Country Club Dr 29 . Davisville MN 30. 540 Slavens Ave 31 .
This new edition includes updated information, two new chapters and a new appendix covering Postal Inspector positions, high paying related federal civil service occupations, and step-by-step guidance for those interested in applying for ...
How to Get a Job with the United States Postal Service: Where These Jobs Are, What They Pay, and How...
While not all of these are Rural Carrier positions, a good portion are. This book walks you through the hiring and training process and helps you become a long term employee with the postal service.
This is a first-hand account of what an average person might experience as they go through the process of applications, orientations, training, and finally on the street delivering the mail.
The comprehensive postal test-prep guide that delivers through rain, sleet, and snow Now that the U.S. Postal Service has replaced its obsolete 470 test with the updated and more difficult 473 and 473C hiring exams, you need this book more ...
Discusses the job positions, postal exams, pay, applications and resumes, interview process, and related civil service positions for those interested in a postal service career.
Preserving a Strong United States Postal Service: Workforce Issues : Hearings Before the Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate,...
African American Postal Workers and the Fight for Jobs, Justice, and Equality Philip F. Rubio. Lewis, Earl. ... Who Built America?: Working People and the Nation's Economy, Politics, ... ''Black Nationalism and Black Common Sense.
A one-stop resource for postal service job applicants, this book contains exams for more than 50 employment categories, including the 473, 473-C, and 460 tests, which are used for more than 90 percent of full-time positions, such as ...
This is a must-have book for anyone contemplating taking the Postal Service examination.Generally, candidates need to score 95 on the exam to get a job. This book can help the reader achieve that score or better.