Describes different types of maps, introduces the basic skills of map reading, and looks at how compasses are used in conjunction with maps.
... La complainte d'amour la vertu de l'aimant. Les marins, constatant que cette aiguille aimantée indique la direction de l'étoile autour de laquelle la voûte céleste accomplit sa révolution, lui attribuent un pouvoir magique. Il faut ...
A short guide on navigation techniques.
Land Navigation: Routefinding with Map & Compass
In this revised second edition of his classic 'Basic Essentials: Map and Compass, ' you'll discover techniques for choosing and using the right type of compass, reading and understanding contour lines and other map features, plotting a ...
Explains what information may be found on a map, how to use a map with a compass and how to make simple maps and plans.