Lederman , Leonard L. , Report on a Study of “ Foresight ” Activities , National Science Foundation , Washington , D.C. , 1983 . 14. ... Bibliography Allio , Robert , J. and Pennington , Malcolm 82 THINKING STRATEGICALLY Footnotes.
This entertaining guide builds on scores of case studies taken from business, sports, the movies, politics, and gambling. It outlines the basics of good strategy making and then shows how you can apply them in any area of your life.
Thinking Strategically: The Competitive Edge in Business, Politics, and Everyday Life
Bring strategy into your daily work. It's your responsibility as a manager to ensure that your work--and the work of your team--aligns with the overarching objectives of your organization.
How to Think Strategically equips you with the skills you need to make the best decisions and develop a powerful strategic mindset. This hands-on guide tackles both the thinking and the doing, helping you develop a robust strategic plan.
Quinn, J. B. Strategies for Change: Logistical Incrementalism. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1980. Rangan, S., and Yoshina, M.StrategicAlliances. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1995. Revans, R. W. The Origin and Growth of Action Learning ...
The art of thinking strategically This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing game theory, providing you with the essential information and saving time.
From understanding what strategy can do for you, through to creating a strategy and engaging others with strategy, this book offers practical guidance and expert tips.
CD-ROM contains: Practical examples of how a blue-chip company uses this book to gain strategic advantage over it competitors.
This book explains simply and clearly the elements, concepts, analyses and interrelationships that make up this strategic thinking, and shows how to employ it in your business or organization.
The authors of Thinking Strategically demonstrate how to apply the principles in game theory to achieve greater personal and professional successes, drawing on a diverse array of case studies to explain how to develop a win-oriented way of ...