This document reports the results of two coordinated studies of early education and care in the United States. Information on child care demand was provided through the National Child Care Survey 1990 (NCCS), which involved interviews with 4,392 parents. Information on child care supply was provided by A Profile of Child Care Settings (PCS), which involved interviews with 2,089 center directors and 583 day care providers. The results of the NCCS are presented in terms of types of supplemental care arrangements, hours children spend in care, and overall demand. The results of the PCS are presented in a profile of care settings and descriptions of child care programs' regional distribution and organizational sponsorship. A study of the relationship between supply and demand considers the process of locating the proper form of care. Those seeking care will consider the options and types of service available, and the costs of care. The key characteristics of care, including program goals, child-staff ratios, teacher training, and parental satisfaction, are highlighted. Trends in program enrollment, fees, and resources are identified. References number 20. An appendix describes the NCCS and PCS methodology, and evaluates NCCS and PCS estimates of day care center enrollments and the number of nonregulated family day care homes. (BC)
Repert, S.M. and Weaver, D.R. (2002) Coordination of circadian timing in mammals, Nature, 418: 935–41. Richardson, K. and Sheldon, S. (eds) (1989) Cognitive Development to Adolescence. Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum. Rizzolatti, G., Fadiga, L., ...
National Day Care Study: Final Report
新生兒父母手冊: 0~12個月寶寶的學習發展與健康照顧
This report analyzes developments in Canadian child care policy in the 1990s at the federal, provincial (Ontario), and municipal (Toronto and Peel) levels, highlighting problems that are associated with a...
Examining when and why governments implement progressive childcare policies, this study takes a look at the different systems Canadians have adopted over the past five decades and argues that childcare...
This document focuses on parents' perceptions of the availability of family-supportive workplace arrangements; their experiences in balancing paid work and family commitments; and their preferences for changes in the workplace...
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Guidelines for Early Learning in Child Care Home Settings