Answers common questions about anorexia, provides insight from recovered anorexics, and offers information on healthy eating and weight
This is the first book to present a roadmap for tailoring acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) to the serious, complex challenges of anorexia nervosa (AN).
This self-help book provides support to battle this notorious and widespread eating disorder and has been used effectively with many patients in clinical settings.
Moreover, this informative new text assembles the leading scientists across three continents to provide a comprehensive overview and new paradigm for treatment and stimulate interest in the development of new psychosocial approaches.
This indispensable manual presents the leading empirically supported treatment approach for adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN).
Wallis, A., Alford, C., Baudinet, J., Cook, A., Robertson, A., Cubitt, A., Madden, S., & Kohn, M. (2013). Innovations in Maudsley family based treatment for anorexia nervosa at the Children's Hospital at Westmead: A family admission ...
3. Teenage girls—Diseases—History. 11925.445 CIP Book design by JoAnne Metsch Printed in the United States of America 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For Sidney Jacobs and Frances Storck Jacobs with love and.
This book offers a complete guide to understanding the causes of anorexia, warning signs and diagnosis, and practical suggestions on how to help loved ones suffering from anorexia as well as the treatment options available.
What can we do about it? This book is an attempt to answer some of these questions. Unusually for a book on anorexia nervosa, this book includes sections for parents and other carers alongside a section for the sufferer herself.
Ten-Mile Morning is a true story about a man's battle to overcome his five-year struggle with anorexia nervosa. Ultimately, however, this is a story of hope and recovery.
Psychosomatic Families: Anorexia Nervosa in Context