An up-to-date examination of minority groups and their composition in American society focusing on minority occupations, housing, crime, education, health, and political participation.
Provides an overview of race relations in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s, including a timeline, key events, profiles of important people, government and legal affairs, and social and cultural developments.
Throughout the fourteenth edition of Racial and Ethnic Groups, author Richard T. Schaefer helps students view race and ethnic relations in a socio-historical context, so they can understand the past and best shape the future.
Pearson Custom Sociology
The Changing Role of Local Housing Authorities: An Interim Assessment
... Afro - American Journalism James S. Tinney and Justine J. Rector , Howard University Blacks and Vietnam Robert W. Mullen , Northern Kentucky University Chicano Politics Maurilio E. Vigil , New Mexico Highlands University Reflections ...
The book is not one-sided. Its authors include both national and international practitioners and scholars.
Gui fan yi wen ying yong yan jiu
Updates the second edition with new material on: President Obama's election and "post-racialism"; important studies of implicit bias; the Voting Rights Act and allegedly race-neutral restrictions on voting; recurring violence against and ...
857–69 Gupta , R. , Gupta , V.P. and Ahluwalia , N.S. ( 1994 ) ' Educational status , coronary heart disease ... 15 , London : The Stationery Office Harrison , G. , Holton , A. , Neilson , D. , Owens , D. , Boot , D. and Cooper ...
Judging is conducted in 3 categories: news photography, feature photography, and sports photography. Financial data First prize is $500; second prize is $300; third prize is $200. Duration The competition is held annually.