Collection of best columns that Alan Caruba has written about environmentalism, animal rights, energy issues, the education system, immigration policies, United Nations, Islamic Holy War and others. These columns have appeared in major newspapers, magazines and the internet.
The forthright yet unassuming and engagingly honest memoirs of a publisher whose controversial books on domestic and foreign politics made his publishing house a force to be reckoned with.
Hamby , Liberalism and Its Challengers , 279 ; Tyler's quotation is cited in Gillon , Politics and Vision , 193. Also see K. Dolbeare and P. Dolbeare , American Ideologies , chaps . 3 and 4 , and McGann , Taking Reform Seriously ...
In his response to the ideas of Wilmot Horton , David Robinson held up the very existence of a select committee on emigration as evidence that Ricardian economics could not fulfil its promises : ' The Report is a most remarkable ...
The inhabitants of the affluent society owed their “ comfortable servitude ' , according to Marcuse , to the export of ' terror and enslavement ' throughout the world . Encouraged by this thought , the students imported the techniques ...
During the first season of the " Advocates " television program on PBS , 1969-70 , various hapless opponents had been systematically skewered by the show's regular liberal advocate , Howard Miller . Within a year of Agnew's speech ...
See Leo Egan, “Eisenhower Says Officers Should Stay out of Politics,” New York Times, November 24, 1961, 1, 23. CHAPTER 5 1. ... (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965); Edwards, Goldwater; and Goldberg, Barry Goldwater. 8.
La 4ème de couv. indique : "Le réformisme est une tradition moderne dont l'étude retrace l'origine afin d'y reconnaître une forme de conservatisme qui flirte avec la réaction contre la révolution.
The Challenge of the New Conservatism
Coulson, John. Newman and the Common Tradition: A Study in the Language of Church and Society. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1 970. Courtney, C. F. "Edmund Burke and the Enlightenment." In England in the Eighteenth Century.
See H. F. Foster , A Genetic History of New England Theology , 1907 ; G. N. Boardman , A History of New England Theology ... Boston : Quadrangle , 1958 ; William G. McLoughlin Jr. , Modern Revivalism : Charles Grandison Finney to Billy ...