The people you will meet in The Living Room will lead you to believe that miracles are all around us, that they’re happening every day, and that they just might happen to the next cancer patient who picks up this book.
This story is about Thomas Cappiello's journey to overcoming the emotional devastation of a cancer diagnosis, dealing with the disease and making choices.
Here are some suggestions for ways you can live well and take positive steps to deal with your diagnosis and treatment.Treatment OptionsThere are more lung cancer treatments today than ever before, including surgery, radiation therapy, ...
Living Your Life with Lung Cancer
Like most people, when diagnosed with cancer, David only wanted physical healing. God had bigger plans and used David's cancer experience to heal many areas of brokenness in his life.
A memoir of my 1st year battle with stage 4 lung cancer.
The writing is deep with emotions and show the strong love and value for family.The emotional ups and downs the body takes one through are captured in the work.
Better Living with Lung Cancer: A Patient Guide
Cancer patients are not passive. They choose different strategies to maintain and restore their health. They leverage a variety of approaches to cope better with their struggle
Surviving Cancer offers a practical, integrated way of self-healing, with advice on: •Creating the best possible team of physicians and loved ones • Maximizing nutrition, using veggie overdosing • Ridding your cells of harbored anger ...