Johnny Texas has more to fear from greedy, dishonest men than from wild animals during a six-hundred-mile trip to Mexico and back over the Old San Antonio Road.
In the early days of Texas history, ten-year-old Johann comes from Germany with his family to settle in this vast land and soon grows to love his new home.
In Whiskey River (Take My Mind), Johnny Bush tells the twin stories of his life and of Texas honky-tonk music.
He really is that good.”—Dennis Lehane “One of the best PI series being written today.”—Crimespree Don’t miss any of these hotter-than-Texas-chili Tres Navarre novels: BIG RED TEQUILA • THE WIDOWER’S TWO-STEP • THE LAST ...
From the window of the small floatplane, fifteen-year-old Gabe Rogers is getting his first look at Canada's magnificent Northwest Territories with Raymond Providence, his roommate from boarding school.
Gayle Reaves, “Chaos Charged: UT Audit Blasts HRC Operations,” Austin American Statesman, December 16, 1978, A1, A8. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 208 NOTES TO CHAPTER 4.
When Johnny Cash died in September 2003, the world mourned the loss of the greatest country music star of all time. I Walked the Line is the life story of Vivian Cash, Johnny's first wife and the mother of his four daughters.
This book will teach a systematic approach to winning tournaments that we will be able to apply to any format, independent of context.
This is not a standard civic history or a straightforward march through the decades. Loosely organized by theme, the stories in the collection are often quite often surprising, just like San Antonio itself.
Designed to help researchers "rise above the data," the book explores how qualitative research designs, data collection, data analyses, and write-ups can be enriched through over 60 different lenses, filters, and angles on social life.
Raised in Queens, New York, Johnny Ramone founded one of the most influential rock bands of all time, but he never strayed from his blue-collar roots and attitude.