Bestselling author of Return to Love and Law of Divine Compensation, Marianne Williamson shows people how to live without fear or worry in The Gift of Change.
... of the gift like two drinking glasses with two different shapes. Each glass will change the shape of the water; this is what your gift does. It changes the shape of what you have been given to do. Take two different people and ask them to ...
This book offers profound insight into the relationship between the mind and the body.
The World Beyond: The Mysteries of Heaven and how to Get There
If this is the part of fundraising you have been avoiding, Kevin's sensible advice can get your team started and get results sooner than you think." —Joan Flanagan, fundraiser, Center for New Community, and author, Successful Fundraising ...
If the water flows quickly through the pipes, it leaves little residue. However, if the water runs slowly or stands for a period of time, mineral deposits are left in the pipe and the function of the pipe is affected.
Unwrap the 12 Gifts to lead and live a life of purpose, connection and contribution Renee Giarrusso. new path to ... Change Leadership Expert and International Mentor; Author Emergent – Ignite Purpose, Transform Culture, Make Change Stick ...
The Gift of Influence is a manifesto on the everyday actions we can take to make a positive impact on the people we love and lead.
... of a leap for you right now, you can still start to shape your world by bringing your gifts into the workplace. Start by taking seriously the primary needs of ADD: To be constantly stimulated To feel excitement To change your pace often ...
When you fail to move, your dreams will fail to move also. No ... If you are not able to answer and attack the challenges that life throws at you, you will be surrounded by ... It is challenges that define the moments in your life.