Indeed, Justice Kagan referred to Justice Alito's opinion as a dissent. In her dissenting opinion, Justice Kagan wrote, “I call JUSTICE ALITO's opinion 'the plurality,' because that is the conventional term for it.
The new Eighth Edition of Drunk Driving Defense is updated to reflect recent developments which includes a new section on Sentencing of Non-Citizens; detailed information about the SCRAM(R) (Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor) device; ...
Defending Drinking Drivers R37
Defending Drinking Drivers R35
Defending Drinking Drivers R36
Featuring partners and chairs from some of the Floridas leading law firms, this book guides the reader through the often subjective nature of DUI allegations, the mis-administration of Field Sobriety Tests, and specific strategies for ...
In his new book, Michigan DUI Law: A Citizen's Guide, defense attorney Patrick T. Barone explains the law and offers drivers advice on how to avoid DUI arrest or conviction.
This book offers helpful information for both new and experienced DUI defense attorneys, and is a valuable addition to any criminal practitioner's library. Book jacket.
Colorado DUI Defense: The Law and Practice
It is time to fight back. Knowledge is power. Read this book and you will have all the necessary tools at your disposal to avoid a drunk driving arrest.