An alphabet book which describes the cultures of twenty-six groups of people around the world who do not have a version of the Bible in their own language.
... people who are in hospice care/terminally ill I See a Need, 29 Furry Friends, 30 A Cup of Cheer, 31 Celebrate the Seasons, 32 Bugged!, 32 Have Bag, Will Travel, 35 Please Leave a Message, 36 Underwater Adventure, 37 Comfort Kits, ...
This book shows how Zapotec peasants migrating to Mexico City utilize paisanazgo--which prescribes solidarity among people from the same locale--as the basis for cooperation and mutual aid within a new environment.
The customs and daily life of the small village of Oaxaca, Mexico, are shown through the eyes of a six-year-old Zapotec Indian boy.
The Winds of Ixtepeji: World View and Society in a Zapotec Town
This account of how to become an anthropologist doing fieldwork relays the pleasures and pitfalls that anthropologist Beverly Chinas experienced while studying women's roles in the culture of the Isthmus...
... Akebu ke Zapotec—Buku ini akan membawa baik orang dewasa maupun anak-anak untuk mengenal sukusuku bangsa yang belum memiliki Alkitab dalam bahasa mereka. Jadikan buku ini sebagai panduan pribadi dan keluarga untuk mendoakan mereka, dan ...
An alphabet book that describes fascinating places around the world whose people do not have the Bible in their own language.
Children's Books in Print
On a day when everything goes wrong for him, Alexander is consoled by the thought that other people have bad days too.
Miracles happen when children begin to pray! Includes powerful testimonies of how God responds to the faith of a child.