The De - Assimilation of South Carolina : Paths Not Taken , Part 5- Con- federate law disallowed Negro combat soldiers . Hence , most historians agree that negligibly few Negroes joined the Confederate Army and fought to preserve ...
Fiction. African & African American Studies. THE HOUSE OF ERZULIE tells the eerily intertwined stories of an ill-fated young couple in the 1850s and the troubled historian who discovers their writings in the present day.
Guide pratique illustré qui révèle les secrets des remèdes créoles pour se soigner par les plantes et entretenir son bien-être avec une thérapie naturelle.
fabels en feiten over maatschappelijke stijging van Creoolse en Hindoestaanse Surinamers in Nederland Mies van Niekerk ... of er daadwerkelijk een verschil is in maatschappelijke positie en sociale mobiliteit tussen beide groepen .
Deadly Roses
Praise for David Fulmer's Mysteries "It is Fulmer's achievement, in each of his novels, to have nailed both the city and the music.... Each is a highly personal serenade to America's past.
The book therefore also offers important empirical material for scholars interested in the wider Indian Ocean region and beyond.