Yes, I talk with angels, great Beings whose lives infuse and create all of Nature. In another time and culture I might have been cloistered in a convent or a temple, or less pleasantly, burnt as a witch. Being a practical, down-to-earth person, I had never imagined that such contact would be possible or useful. Yet, when this com-munication began to occur, it did so in a way that I could not dispute. -- Dorothy Maclean From wartime employment with the British government to co-founding the Findhorn Community in Scotland, and the Lorian Association in Canada, Dorothy Maclean's life story is an account of a journey through self-discovery to an awareness of the forces that give order to creation. The success and fame of the Findhorn gardens arose in part from Dorothy's telepathic contact with these kingdoms. Many of the messages she received are included in this book, and their wisdom quickens an awareness of our partnership with all the evolutionary streams of life.
Delve into the secrets of the young, fabulous and fanged. . .
I don't know what makes me decide to ask someone to sit down or stand up for their treatment . ... It didn't matter . Nothing mattered except the possibility that I might be able to help Carey by using what I had learned .
Lalu ALLAH SWT mengambil nyawanya dengan rahmat dan kemuliaannya pada malam-malam akhir bulan Safar atau bulan Rabi'ul Awwal.205 Daripada Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a, daripada Abu Muwaihabah seorang pembantu kepada Rasulullah SAW berkata, ...
When Noelle Sanders accidentally dyes her hair strawberry she's mortified. It doesn't help when Todd Brentley shows up on her doorstep.
Angels and Demons in Human Life
Angels and Demons
Shattering Halos
Se oyó una gran explosión, como si hubiera estallado una bomba, y la biblioteca de la Fundación saltó por los aires. Los ángeles de la Balanza chillaron y salieron despedidos, con las capas devoradas por llamas que parecían dedos.
Agon "She is not going to be my wife. In any way, Riss." Riss nodded as Agon started pacing again. "I want to touch her. Feel her body close to mine and kiss her.
Riss is assigned to guide and protect Kala. Riss is not happy about the changes and hopes this is his last assignment as a Protector before he can quit and live his last year on Earth and die. She has nothing left to lose---except her life.