A chess player's opening sets the tone for the entire game, creating the advantages or disadvantages that lead to victory or defeat. In this step-by-step guide, former U.S. speed chess champion Bill Robertie reveals more than 25 openings that will help beginning and intermediate players seize the early advantage.
Amateurs like Adams often have more time to pursue an obsession than the professionals who frequently become bored by the time they've spent 20 full years on chess . The amateurs can prepare openings more deeply .
The Younger School of Soviet Chess
The Chinese Dragonbrings together Raymond's passion for Chinese culture and chess. It is the first in-depth reference work on the chess opening known as the Chinese Dragon.
Center Counter Uprising: Main Line Mieses
Henning-Schara Gambit
Endgame Challenge!
Pillsbury, the Extraordinary
Who is the Champion of the Champions?
Billy Colias Midwest Master: Revised in 2013 with Additional Games and New Chess Analysis