Records of North American Big Game

Records of North American Big Game
Big game hunting
Boone and Crockett Club
Boone and Crockett Club


This is the one collectors of big game hunting books have been waiting for! Records of North American Big Game is a one-of-a-kind big game records book that lives up to its longstanding reputation as "The Book" of native North American big game trophies. In its twelfth edition since the original book was published nearly seventy-five years ago, this latest edition has over 800-pages filled with valuable information for today''s hunters, outdoorsmen, and game managers. A total of thirty-eight different categories of North American big game are recognized and, as a testament to the success of today''s conservation and big game management efforts, a record-setting twelve new World''s Records are featured in this edition. Photographs and the stories behind these new World''s Records are included along with the photographs and stories about the other twenty-six World''s Records that the Club currently recognizes. New to this edition is a focus on showing as many of top-scoring trophies dating back to 1932 as possible. We''ve raided the Club''s records-keeping archives and found hundreds of photographs of top-scoring trophies that haven''t been published for decades. Before each category''s trophy list, readers will be delighted to view these photographs from history and track their individual measurements in the listings that follow. The Boone and Crockett Club has also put together an image-packed CD-ROM that includes desktop pictures featuring the top trophies, screen savers, downloadable score charts and more. Along with the detailed listing of over 22,000 trophies ranked by their all-time scores, this book also includes eight chapters by some of today''s most popular outdoor writers including Bob Robb, Gordon Whittington, Wayne Van Zwoll, and Jim Shockey. Hunters who pick up this book will enjoy reading about memorable hunting experiences, why and how antlers grow, along with chapters about the Sagamore Hill Award (the highest award given by B&C), the National Collection of Heads and Horns, and more. Records of North American Big Game is much more than a book of records-keeping statistics, it is a history book of big game animals in North America. Informative chapters, hunting stories, and hundreds of portrait and field photographs make this book an exceptional resource for hunters and sportsmen and provides hours of reading enjoyment.

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