Vol 1. Part I, The band conductor as a music teacher (in theory) : Ch. 1, Why we wrote this book / Larry Blocher -- Ch. 2, What materials are you going to use to teach "about music," "through music," while "performing music" / Ray Cramer -- Ch. 3, The quantum conductor / Eugene Corporon -- Ch. 4, The assessment of student learning in band / Larry Blocher -- Part II, The band conductor as a music teacher (in practice) : Ch. 5, Units of the teacher resource guide / Richard Miles -- Making the connection: academic, rehearsal, curriculum / Edward S. Lisk -- Ch. 7, Curricular models based on literature selection / Richard Miles -- Ch. 8, The essential element to a successful band: the teacher - the conductor - the director - the leader / Tim Lautzenheiser -- Part III, The band conductor as a music teacher (the materials) : The teacher resource guides. Detailed guide to repertoire grades 2 through 6.
溫尼弗雷德‧菲利普斯(Winifred Phillips) ... 風格像是鐵克諾舞曲(《這個美妙的世界》( The World Ends with You ) )、輕快的復古流行樂(《異度神劍》( Xenoblade Chronicles ] )、以及主流* ( ) )四十強單曲風格的情歌(《尼爾》( Nier ) )。
A colorful tribute to the music and culture of the rock 'n' roll era traces rock music's formative period from 1945 to 1964 and looks at the social forces, politics,...
Renata Tebaldi, the Voice of an Angel
In this masterly biography, the author creates a portrait of a great artist and discusses the contradictions of his quintessential Englishness and his world stature, his outsider status and his...
The first edition of American Popular Music introduces the history and influence of American music within the broader context of American culture. It reveals how the...
This is a detailed guide to every single and artist that has ever appeared in the UK chart. It includes details on when the song was released, top position, weeks...
Containing 27,000 entries and over 6,000 new entries, the online edition of the Encyclopedia of Popular Music includes 50% more material than the Third Edition. Featuring a broad musical scope...
法蘭西語言自中古世紀經由行吟詩人以吟詩歌詠的方式,為足不出戶的城堡貴族或是貧民百姓傳唱、歌頌偉大的英雄事蹟或愛情故事,例如最早的「羅蘭之歌」(Chanson de Roland)幾世紀來歷久而不衰,成為法國語言文化重要的源頭。之後,無論是亞歷山大詩體、十二行詩、三節連韻詩、散文詩或自由詩體等,很多詩作逐漸被改編成流行歌曲-「香頌」。這種詩中有樂,樂中有詩的文化同時也融入了法蘭西生活語言,使得法語聽起來如同歌唱般地悅耳、優美。有心學習法語者若亦能從歌唱開始,藉由法國歌曲將法文發音、字彙、文法、文化等語言所包含之各種元素都唱入腦海中,不但增添學習法語的興趣,更可使學習收到事半功倍之效。在此網路科技發達的世代,學生藉由網路上流行歌曲的反覆聆聽、讀唱,在快樂中學習,應是最便捷也最踏實的方法。本書蒐集法國自50 年代至近代耳熟能詳的流行歌曲 200 首,依據本國學生必須學習之法文文法及字彙片語教學目標分為四部份;第一部份至第三部份以歌曲之快慢、簡易及文法單元程度之深淺,分為初階 50 首、中階 50 首與高階 100 首。為尊重歌曲著作財產權,僅依教學需要選出其中片段歌詞解說來輔助法文學習;完整歌詞請參考書目或網站目錄自行查詢。其中的雙斜線符號« // »代表「副歌」或「重複的段落」;« […] »為「省略」符號。中文翻譯僅供參考。第四部份歸納出歌曲中較常出現的詞彙片語;第五部份文法目錄、動詞變化表、歌曲索引可協助提示或記憶。教師也可將此書當成基礎教本,依據文法目錄來選擇配合法語教學的歌曲。學子除了學唱練發音、熟悉文法、詞彙片語,亦可藉由網路完整的歌曲重複播放來鍛鍊自己的聽力及增進文法與字彙的理解能力。本書編撰僅為提供教學界參考使用,非以營利為目的;謹盼能藉此書提升學子對法文的興趣。網路資料難免有疏失或誤植,個人力有未逮之處,敬祈見諒。編者 楊啟嵐 謹識2017 年 12 月 於中國文化大學
&> NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, and registrations...
The Rolling Stone Album Guide is the bible of popular music criticism. Now, for this new edition, Rolling Stone's critics and editors have gone back, listened to everything with a...