The sixteenth book in the expanding, renowned ekphrasis series, Two Cities creates space for these two historic cities to become characters themselves, their relationship to the writer as real as any love affair.
As the narrative goes, we progressed from tyranny to freedom, from superstition to science, from poverty to wealth, from darkness to enlightenment. This is modernity’s origin myth.
At the center of the story is Kassima, a young widow who is mourning her husband and sons, lost to the violence of Pittsburgh streets. Defending herself against further loss,...
The text of the novel is based on the first edition published by Chapman and Hall (1859) and reproduces the original illustrations. The text is accompanied by explanatory footnotes and a note on the text and illustrations.
Throughout the novel, Charles Dickens is able to portray the hardships of each social class during the trying times of the French Revolution in a way that is both profoundly elegant and heartbreaking at the same time.
A Tale of Two Cities: Easyread Super Large 18pt Edition
A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is the second historical novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution.
In a city where the top one percent earns more than a half-million dollars per year while 25 thousand children are homeless, public discourse about our entrenched and worsening wealth gap has never been more sorely needed.
A Tale of Two Cities: Easyread Super Large 20pt Edition
Charles Dickens was fascinated by Thomas Carlyle’s magnum opus The French Revolution; according to Dickens’ letters, he read it “500 times” and carried it with him everywhere while he was working on this novel.