A guide to edible plants of the Southwest that includes medicinal uses, Native American uses, interesting facts, a section on poisonous plants, and seventy-five recipes.
Plantworks focuses on 15 commonly found wild edibles, with illustrations and color photos to help ensure positive plant identification.
Tells how to locate, identify, cook and enjoy many of the most common edible plants which grow wild in the Rocky Mountain wilderness.
Phragmities communis Grass Family, Graminae Other Names: Reed, giant reed. History: Native to Europe and North America. An ancient food, craft material, fiber. The Gosiute Indians gathered a sweet secretion formed on the leaves by ...
People are more and more keen to eat organic and local fresh food and this book makes it apparent that there is plenty available - for free - in our own backyard.
A complete guide to help you safely identify edible species that grow around us, together with detailed artworks, field identification notes and recipes.
Provides information on how to find plants and other materials in local bioregions that can be used in the kitchen, along with seasonal recipes and instructions for preparing a variety of preserved foods, including ferments, infusions, and ...
A guide to locating and preparing wild edible plants growing in Missouri.
The book's beautiful, instructive botanical illustrations and enlightening recipes offer an adventurous and satisfying way to eat locally and seasonally.
Aimed at using the abundance of produce to be found in hedgerows, woodlands, and meadows, this delightful collection of recipes is the ideal inspiration for all cooks and country lovers.
Greenbelt's guidebook to 25 of our best properties on the north shore