Here are the Yuffies--young urban failures. Friedmann defines "failures" as "the eminently sane process of avoiding prosperity" and has declared herself a Yuffie, claiming that, inspite of a stratospheric IQ and a Smith College education, she has never earned more than $10,000 a year. Illustrated.
This brilliant interpretation of 'How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success' is an entertaining accompaniment to one of the most famous books on selling ever written."--Resource description page.
This quote in any of Martin Luther King Jr.'s writings or published speeches or sermons. It was attributed to Dr. King by Marian Wright Edelman, founder of the Children's Defense Fund, who heard him speak at Spelman College when she ...
General Robert E. Lee is most famous for his surrender to General Grant at Appomattox . He is also noted for his defeat at Gettysburg , which is generally considered the turning point for the North in the Civil War .
Rodney does a great job of keeping the reader's interest with forthright stories, useful illustrations and sound advice. Thoughtful leaders would be wise to read this book and heed the warnings gleaned from his mistakes.
'There is an honesty and a clarity in Joe Moran's book If You Should Fail that normalises and softens the usual blows of life that enables us to accept and live with them rather than be diminished/wounded by them' Julia Samuel, author of ...
The lessons of this book can help us all find the opportunities that are just waiting to be discovered in the challenges we face every day. This book is about failure, but failure in a whole new light. It is about how to Fail To Succeed.
Del fracaso a la victoria: el arte de caminar por fe
In The Hidden Power of F*cking Up, The Try Guys - Keith, Ned, Zach, and Eugene - reveal their philosophy of trying: how to fully embrace fear, foolishness, and embarrassment in an effort to understand how we all get paralyzed by a fear of ...