Why hadn't she taken a pill when she felt that usual , dull ache ? Well , finally . Here came Rob Newport up the walk , and the scowl on his face told her his work wasn't going well . Of course , she'd hear about it .
Barriers to Intimacy for People Torn by Addiction
Depuis la publication de Vaincre la codépendance, l'œuvre de pionnière de Melody Beattie, des millions de personnes ont affronté les démons de la codépendance.
Sacred Relationships: The Psychospiritual Path to Love, Intimacy and Happiness
This book helps Caretakers break the cycle and puts them on a new path of personal freedom, discovery, and self-awareness, through the use of real stories and practical suggestions from a seasoned therapist.
The Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde Syndrome: Couples in Chaos
Meditations for each day of the year with index.
★ Buy the paperback version of this book and get the eBook FREE ★ Do you want to have the courage to trust yourself, speak up for yourself, say
Let's Stand Up Straight helps us recognise this condition, offers hope in an effective recovery plan, making it possible for families to come together with each member knowing who they are, able to stand up straight on their own two feet, ...
A workbook, based on material in When Helping You is Hurting Me, suggests activities to help identify one's own needs and desires, and learn to accept love and nurturing from others